July 16, 2019 Debbie Misra

Web-Based Technologies Are Shaping The Future of Higher Education. Is Your College Ready?

Since 2012, the nonprofit open online course (MOOC) provider known as edX has partnered with over 50 institutions and attracted some 2.5 million students from every country in the world.  The combination of new technologies applied to non-traditional learning methods is proving to be a revolutionizing force in higher education.

At a recent Campus Technology Conference, edX CEO Anant Agarwal told participants that the methods being used by edX can be incorporated within a blended learning environment to improve student success rates and better understand student learning behavior.

Some of these methods include supplementing lecture and essay formats with learning sequences incorporating brief videos, self-based learning and peer learning techniques. Such blended learning pilot programs are already showing signs of success. In a pilot program in fall 2012 at San Jose State University, a circuits and electronics course with an average failure rate of approximately 40% dropped to 9% when edX coursework supplemented the in-class instruction.

For the complete article from EdTech, click here.

Is your college’s website ready to integrate blended learning programs? Contact us to see how Sanmita can help you assess your current website and prepare for the future.

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