Millennials and Gen Y have a lot of spending power and are a highly coveted sector of society among marketers, advertisers, and indeed, fundraisers. But the challenge of reaching younger donors is an age-old tale for many nonprofits. The question of how to diversify donor pool demographics and finding the most effective ways to reach them can be very difficult. The situation becomes urgent when the average age of a nonprofit’s donor pool happens to be in the advanced stages of life.





Digital events have proven to be incredibly effective in reducing geographical barriers, and encouraging engagement from donors who might otherwise not attend. Further, the data generated from online interaction provides valuable insight into what is resonating, who is donating and how to plan for the future.



  1. Get to Know Gen Y. …
  2. Know How Millennials Tend to Give. …
  3. Set Up Online Fundraising: It’s Key. …
  4. Build Relationships to Foster Trust. …
  5. Offer Experiences. …
  6. Provide Volunteer Opportunities. …
  7. Create Ownership.

Robust Digital Platform and Strategy


A Personalized Donor Experience




For nonprofits struggling to engage the next generation of supporters, it’s important to stay updated on social media trends. As more Gen Z members enter the workforce, engaging them will become especially important to sustaining nonprofit causes in 2021.





How…. what…. when?

Larger nonprofit organizations have used donor prospect research software to find potential donors for years. This type of software is used to identify hidden prospects by accessing and analyzing large volumes of data provided by vendors. Donor prospect research software can provide donor information and match nonprofits with donors based on donor interests. Advanced donor prospect research software can also include tools for intelligent recommendations on how to approach donors or scoring prospects based on their affinity and capacity to donate.


First, find prospects who are passionate about your cause and then wealth screen them.



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Lauri Stone

Lauri Stone is Director of Client Relations at Sanmita, Inc., a web design and development firm offering strategy, design, and technology services to higher education, government, and nonprofit entities. She comes to Sanmita with over 25 years of experience in media marketing and advertising and is located in Los Angeles, California.